The fault in our stars is a book wrote by John Green.
Hazel Grace Lancaster is a 16 years old girl. She has got a cancer which has spread to her lungs. Her mother thinks that Hazel is depressed because of her cancer. A day, her mother inscribe her in a cancer patient support group. Hazel wouldn’t go there because she thinks that she was not depressed, and that the group is boring. She goes there for the pleasure of her parents. She meets augustus waters, a 17 years old boy who osteosarcoma caused him to lose his right leg.They meet after the Support Group and converse on the fact that they were not « literally » in the heart of Jesus, but in a basement. When everything seems to go well, Augustus pulls out a cigarette and puts it between his lips. Hazel is disgusted by this and yells at him saying that he’s already got cancer and he wants to pay money for more cancer, « Not being able to breathe sucks, » she yells. Augustus calmly explains the metaphor, which is, « You put the thing that kills you right between your teeth but you don’t give it the power to kill you. » Hazel, impressed by this, goes to his place to watch a movie. Augustus is at the meeting to support his friend, Isaac, whose only remaining eye is soon to be removed due to cancer. Hazel and Augustus strike a bond immediately and agree to read each other’s favorite novels. Augustus gives Hazel The Price of Dawn, and Hazel recommends An Imperial Affliction, a novel written by Peter Van Houten, who lives in Amsterdam, about a cancer-stricken girl named Anna that parallels Hazel’s own experience. After Augustus finishes reading her book, he is frustrated upon learning that the novel ends abruptly without a conclusion. Hazel explains the novel’s author had retreated following the novel’s publication and has not been heard from since. A week later, Augustus reveals to Hazel that he has tracked down Van Houten’s assistant, Lidewij, and, through her, has managed to start an e-mail correspondence with Van Houten. The two write to Van Houten with questions regarding the novel’s ending and the fate of the mother of Anna. Van Houten eventually replies, explaining that he can only answer Hazel’s questions in person. At a picnic, Augustus surprises Hazel with tickets to Amsterdam to meet Van Houten. In Amsterdam, Augustus confesses his love for Hazel and they finally meet Van Houten but are shocked to find that he is a mean-spirited drunk. Later, Augustus confesses to Hazel that… I think you should read the book to know more.
It’s a really good book. The story is really sad, but it’s true. It’s my favourite book, and I enjoy to exchange this book with you. If you want to read the story in french, it’s possible The book title in french is « Nos étoiles contraires ».
Hazel Grace Lancaster est une fille de 16 ans. Elle a un cancer des poumons. sa mère pense qu’elle est dépressive, car la dépression est un des effets secondaires d’un cancer, elle l’inscrit donc dans un gorupe qui se réunit au sein d’une église, appelé « le cœur de l’église » par l’encadrant. Elle rencontre là-bas Augustus Waters, un garçon qui a perdu une jambe à cause d’un cancer des os. Elle rencontre aussi Isacc, un ami d’ Augustus, qui va devenir aveugle. A la fin de la séance au coeur de l’église, Hazel va chez Augustus. Ils s’échangent leurs livres préférés, Hazel lui recommande « Une impériale affliction ». Hazel veut absolument rencontrer l’auteur, soit Peter Van Houten, pour répondre à ses questions à propos de la fin du roman. Augustus lit le livre, et se pose les même questions qu’Hazel. Une semaine plus tard, Augustus révèle à Hazel qu’il a réussi à contacter l’assistante de l’auteur. Elle leur propose une rencontre, mais c’est pratiquement impossible, à cause des soins dont Hazel nécessite. Lors d’un pique-nique, Augustus confie à la demoiselle qu’il a fait le vœu de partir avec elle à Amsterdam, et qu’ils ont les billets. Le jour J arrive, et les deux adolescents partent à Amsterdam accompagnés de la mère de la jeune fille. Là-bas, Augustus confie à Hazel son amour pour elle, qui se révèle réciproque. Lors de leur rencontre avec l’auteur, tout ne se passe pas comme prévu. Peter Van Houten est un homme alcoolique, et pas vraiment agréable. A leur retour, Augustus fait une révélation à Hazel.
C’est de loin mon livre préféré. L’ histoire est triste mais réaliste. Je vous conseille vraiment ce livre.